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The Anand Ashram Foundation is the Centre for Wellbeing and Self-Empowerment. It was founded on January 14, 1991 by Mr Anand Krishna who being inspired by an experience in which he was mysteriously cured from leukemia, then introduced meditation as the cornerstone of his holistic health strategy, especially for those living in big and busy cities like Jakarta.

The Anand Ashram’s Vision is One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind
The Anand Ashram’s mission is To create an Enlighting Society based on Universal Value of Peace, Love and Harmony

I. Meditation exercises at the Anand Ashram

The Anand Ashram meditation exercises start with the cleansing of the emotional baggage, such as anger, sadness, disappointment and trauma, which has been dormant for a long time. Only then can a person enter the realm of meditation in which the balance of mind, body and spirit can be achieved. That way a person can think clearly, be calm and not agitated, creative and able to maximize all the potential in himself or herself. After that, change will happen of itself, starting from himself or herself, then the environment, the state and then it extending out to the world.

II. Various Activities at Anand Ashram

The various activities at Anand Ashram are the result or the fruit of meditation exercises given by Mr. Anand Krishna. Then, the potential that has emerged in the participants can be channeled into various activities such as Pluralism, Economics, Education and Social Service. Therefore, the meditation taught in the Anand Ashram, is not only about a sitting still meditation but also a dynamic one, being not only useful for the participants themselves but its usefulness extending also, to the wider public.

A. Pluralism

Concern for the values of Pluralism. Seeing the eroding sense of brotherhood among the nation’s children and the absence of pride in being Indonesian nationals prompted Anand Krishna to create activities that are both educational and entertaining. These activities are:

  • The National Symposium – This is held once a year on the 1st September and at the same time commemorates the Service Day for Mother Earth which was launched by Indonesian Minister of Defense Juwono Sudarsono.
    It invites different national figures to revive the pride of being Indonesians.
  • The People’s party of NIM – This is held once every two weeks on Sunday (06:00 up until 07:00) at Monas.
    It is attended by more than 4,000 people and is a combination of laughing as a form of sport, dance, singing and role play which are filled with messages around pluralism that are educational in nature.
  • Student Discussion – This takes place once every two weeks on Saturday (16:00 up until
    17:30) at One Earth, Ciawi, in Bogor. It presents renowned speakers and student participants from various universities, working together to find solutions and real actions in order to solve national problems.
  • The award of “I’m Proud to be Indonesian”. It is an award distributed once a year and given to national figures such as Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Adnan Buyung Nasution, Titiek Puspa and Bob Tutupoli.

B. Education

The main key to national progress is education and therefore, Mr. Anand Krishna has brought about several educational activities:

  • The Soul Awakening Forum (FKJ) – It’s goal is to awaken the human soul which ultimately can restore the dignity, humanity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.
  • The Forum of Teachers, Doctors and Psychologists for Motherland (Foradoksi BIP) – This is a forum of cooperation between teachers, doctors and psychologists. Schools must enlist the help of doctors to help the children to stay healthy, psychologists to understand and develop the children’s mind and teachers to educate and provide them with knowledge.
  • Teaching without Stress (MTDS) – This is a Special Program for Teachers which enables them to teach without the burden of stress. It has been attended by more than 18,000 people in numerous cities and they have already felt the benefits.
  • The One Earth School – it is an inter-faith school which aims to make children appreciate the beauty of diversity without being suspicious of each other.

C. Economy

In the economic field, Mr. Anand Krishna advocates a cooperative economic system for the Indonesian people.
This is an economic idea which was endorsed the Indonesian Cooperative Founding Father, Mr. Hatta.

D. Social

This social field is an opportunity provided by Mr. Anand Krishna in order to serve and relate directly with the community of various groups. It shares the fun, learning from each other and appreciates the beauty of difference.

  • The Medical Camp is a social service which is delivered in the form of health education, community empowerment, the provision of drugs, relaxation therapy and a cheap bazaarfor the underprivileged people.
  • The Social Service, visits social institutions such as women’s prisons, homes for the elderly and orphanages in order to share the joy and the opportunity of serving fellow human beings.
  • Friendship International
    This aims to visit various countries in order to introduce the richness and diversity that Indonesia has to offer.
    Mr. Anand Krishna also provides practical solutions derived from the local wisdom of Indonesia to matters presented in international forums.
    The countries ever visited are:

    • Australia, Mr. Krishna was invited to attend the Parliament of World Religions from 3 to December 9, 2009. Here he introduced Pancasila and Unity in Diversity as a solution for world peace.
    • Brazil, Mr. Krishna was invited to attend the Earth Dialogues on Water Planet in Belo Horizonte, Brazil (November 26-28, 2008). This forum was formed by Mikhail Gorbachev (former President of the Soviet Union). There were three main objectives discussed in the forum which were the anticipation of disasters, reduction of poverty and human development.
    • California, Mr. Krishna attended the 60th annual United Nations (UN) Department of Public Information from 5-7 September 2007 on Climate Change.
    • Tibet, Mr. Anand Krishna presented a large statue of Buddha to the Tibetan nation (it was presented to His Holiness Dalai Lama) as an honor for having preserved the noble teachings of the Indonesian nation which have already been forgotten, i.e. Tong Len meditation (giving and taking meditation).
      This proves the Indonesian nation is full of the treasures of wisdom.

E. Organizational Structure

Founder : Anand Krishna

Governing Board : Maa Archana (Chief), Maa Upasana, Ir Made Yudanegara, Prashant

Supervisory Board : Ida Bagus Nugraha, Rani Krishna Gangtani, Ir. Wayan Suriastini (Chief)

Executive Board :

  • Made Edy Suparyasa (Chief)
  • Dr I Wayan Suartika (Vice Chief)
  • Oka Ratnayani (Secretary)
  • Ni Made Wija Kusumasari (Vice Secretary)
  • Ni Luh Wayan Sukmawati (Trustee)

F. Anand Ashram Culture

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