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Balanced and Healthy Life in Sufi Way

Semarang – This time, Semarang AKIC invited the participants to appreciate the book by Anand Krishna which is talking about how to return a mind and body balance. Like as we’re discussing before that rhythm means a movement. Rhythm means a vibration. Rhythm means a stream.

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When we didn’t feel comfortable in physically, mentally, or emotionally, it’s so that our self rhythm didn’t right yet. many methods given by a Mystical Sufi named Hazrat Inayat Khan requires us to pay attention to our self, and we need to use natural elements from this nature.

On sharing session, Mr. Tri, a facilitator from Solo said that water can also responds human mind, when human mind is messy so the water inside our body responds it and the body can get sick. Otherwise, when our mind is relaxed so the water will give a good respond and we get some health.

On that sharing, we also talked about a documentary film viagra titled Food Inc., told that farm in USA is already be an industry. Animals will breed in big number without natural breeding. Chickens or cattles will be forced to be fat in  short time. this procedure makes prices for meats cheaper than prices for vegetables, and those things will make a disharmony in our self.

When a disharmony happened in our self, all people can do is only thinking for their self, they’re thinking to how to fulfill their animal instincts such as eating, sleeping, and having sex. in that disharmony, human can also being controlled or influenced easily by external factors. When human can get a harmony in their self, they won’t being controlled easily by external factors, they still can feel joy and sorrow but it won’t bother their self balance.

In last session, Erwin as facilitator gave some humming and relaxation exercise, one of exercise that give a function to harmonize our self rhythm. Thank You…

(Reporter: Danar Wijayanto, Translator: Novi Pravitasari)