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Inauguration of Secret Garden

Posted on Jan 14, 2007

The spiritually renowned Bali is now blessed with the beauty of a park called ‘Secret Garden of The Divine Mother’. Despite its modest scale – possibly the smallest public park the world has – this public park is not an ordinary park. No indeed, for this is a spiritual park that will give you added benefits you do not find in an ordinary park.  Dedicated to the Mothers of the Universe, the ‘Secret Garden’ has a considerably heavy mission, i.e. to Heal Mother Earth and Her Children.

Located approximately 100m from the Anand Krishna Centre at Jalan Pura Merta Sari 27, Sunset Road Area, Kuta Bali, the Garden is filled with numerous symbols of Mother Universe of various traditions. An oasis in the midst of modernity havoc, this spiritual garden quenches our thirst of love and peace.

‘Guarded’ by two offices of National Integration Movement (NIM) and Anand Krishna Global Cooperative in the compound, the spiritual Garden is the implementation of meditation in daily life. For meditation and spirituality are not mere sitting down in silence, reading the Scriptures and doing rituals. On the contrary, meditation and spirituality should be put into effect by actions, among others via the NIM (on the issues of nationality) and the Global Cooperative (issues of prosperity), for a better world and an enlightened society. The two offices guarding the Garden is a reminder for the members to always remember the base of their actions, which is bhakti or devotion.

Why is this Garden called ‘Secret Garden’ then? Anand Krishna explained that in essence, there is gentleness and kindness in every human’s heart, the true power a human can ever have. One’s presence inside the Garden, even for just one short moment, will trigger the dormant kindness within him/her. Indeed, for we must access the Gentle Love within us to save the Earth. Love is the only solution to address various horrendous things we are facing to date, such as global warming, global climate change, etc. Hence, let’s work hand in hand towards One Earth, One Sky and One Humankind.