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Since its inception in 2015, every year, Anand Ashram Foundation (affiliated with UN) has been always celebrating International Day of Yoga (IDY)in cooperation with communities and entities such as International Bali Meditators’ Festival (IBMF), Indian Embassy in Jakarta, Jawaharlal Nehru Indian Cultural Centre (JNICC), etc.

This year of 2019, Anand Ashram Foundation decides to commemorate International Day of Yoga back to its day when the United Nation General Assembly, co-sponsored by 177 nations, declared unanimously, that is, the date of 21 June, as it is the summer solstice marks the transition to Dakshinayana. The celebrations are taking places in :

  • National Library of Indonesia – Jakarta, at 14.00 – 16.00
  • Anand Krishna Centre Joglosemar – Jogjakarta, at 15.30 – 17.30
  • Anand Ashram Ubud – Bali (in collaboration with 11th IBMF), at 15.00 – 21.00

Founder of Anand Ashram, Spiritual Humanist Anand Krishna believes that Yoga is a science emerged and developed from Sindhu/Shintu/Hindu/Indos/Indies/India Civilization that does not refer to a particular region but to a cultural and geographical region, where Nusantarans of old and modern Indonesians actually share this very same civilization with ancient Iranians, Afghans and the people of Bharat (present day Indian subcontinent).

In fact, Yoga has nothing to do with any “ism”, religious creed, dogma, doctrine. It is a holistic philosophy, covering all aspect of life. International Yoga Day is a call to live and practice Yoga, and transform one’s entire life to realize the interconnection and interdependency of all living beings. Thus, one can no longer remain indefferent toward suffering of not only human beings, but fellow living beings.

Commemorating International Day of Yoga 2019, Anand Ashram Foundation simultaneously presents Yoga programs in three cities : Jakarta, Jogjakarta, and Bali where more than 1000 participants are expected to come.

In all three cities, Ananda’s Integral Meditative (AIM) Yoga, designed by Anand Krishna, will be practiced. This set of Yoga with affirmation will help us transform mind and awaken the spirit of true yogi within each one of us to live yoga as way of life.

So come on and join us the celebration…