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Anand Ashram Foundation Celebrates First World Meditation Day on December 21, 2024

Anand Ashram Foundation, affiliated with the United Nations, to mark the first-ever World Meditation Day with meditation sessions across multiple centres worldwide.

Bogor, West Java, Indonesia – December 21, 2024 – The Anand Ashram Foundation, founded by spiritual humanist Anand Krishna, observe the first World Meditation Day on December 21, 2024, as designated by the United Nations General Assembly through Resolution A/RES/79/137. The Foundation hosts weekend holistic healing retreat, meditation sessions and celebrations in conjunction with the World Meditation Day, at its various centres, including Anand Ashram in Ubud – Bali, Mother Centre in Sunter – Jakarta, One Earth Yoga & Meditation Retreat Centre in Ciawi – West Java, Anand Krishna Centre in Kuta – Bali, Anand Krishna Centre in Singaraja – Bali, One Earth School Kuta – Bali, Anand Krishna Centre Joglosemar in Jogjakarta, and Anand Krishna One Earth Yoga Meditation & Healing Centre, Czech Republic.

This marks a historic event as Anand Ashram Foundation becomes the first Indonesian meditation community to celebrate World Meditation Day in Indonesia, attended by hundreds of people of all faiths and walks of life joined the program offline and thousands joined it online. The theme of the day is closely aligned with the Foundation’s mission: Inner Peace, Communal Love, and Global Harmony.

Anand Krishna, a pioneer in meditation and yoga in Indonesia, shared his message for the day: “Meditation is not about sitting for long hours in a certain posture for your personal salvation. It is also about getting dirty and, if need be, forsaking heaven for hell, as long as there is even a single lowliest creature that you can serve.”


Anand Krishna founded the Anand Ashram Foundation in 1991 after recovering from leukaemia following a life-changing encounter with a monk in the foothills of the Himalayas. Since the 1980s, Anand Krishna has been a leading advocate for meditation and yoga in Indonesia, challenging the misconceptions surrounding meditation, which was often viewed as a form of supernatural practice or asceticism. Through more than 200 of his books, thousands of news articles, YouTube videos and public speeches both on and offline which include most of the major universities in Indonesia, Singapore and even United States, he has straightened out this issue.

The Anand Ashram Foundation’s vision is encapsulated in the phrase: “One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind”, emphasizing unity, peace, and collective human potential. The Foundation’s mission aligns with the core theme of World Meditation Day 2024—Inner Peace and Global Harmony—and continues to inspire individuals and communities around the world to embrace meditation as a transformative practice for personal and global well-being.

Contact :   

+420 602 681 548 (Czech Republic)

+62 811 14 4959 (Indonesia)