Together with Neo Zen Reiki, this is part of the basic SELF-EMPOWERMENT program designed by Anand Krishna after he survived the deadly leukemia back in the year 1991 (please read his very moving account in Soul Quest)
Stress, as explained by Anand Krishna, “is a sign of life. A stressed person is very much alive. There is a lot of energy in him/her that can be directed to make life more colorful, and more festive.”
The program is designed to empower the participants, in order to discover and realize their hidden potentials.
“Remember,” reminds Krishna always, “nobody can help you. You have to help yourself. There is more to life than what is seen on the surface. Live life fully. Celebrate life!
Ananda’s Stress Management Program consists of five unique techniques, given over a period of 8 weeks:
- Speedy Relaxation,No matter how tensed, you can relax your body in less than 5 minutes! Learn to control your blood pressure.
- Emotion Culturing,Learn to keep your cool amidst the madding crowd of the world. Love your heart, and fill it with music and rhythm.
- Voice Culturing, Overburdened by unnecessary memories and traumas, we lose confidence in ourselves. Our voice falters, and we find it difficult to convince others of our intentions, no matter how good. Learn to overcome this in minutes.
- Sight Culturing, Looking is not always seeing. We look at things, but do not see them. This is the reason why we often fail in our ventures. Learn this technique to improve your sight, both physical and mental/emotional.
- Mind Culturing, Wavering is mind’s business, but you don’t have to waver with it. This is the ultimate technique to align our breath with the heart beat, and the brain waves. Result: Holistic Health, Inner Satisfaction, Improved Relations, and TRUE ABUNDANCE!